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Respect Life Ministry

All Life is Precious

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,

before you were born, I dedicated you." Jeremiah 1:5


The Holy Apostles Respect Life Ministry believes that all life is precious no matter the stage of development or circumstances. The Respect Life Committee meets every first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm. To get involved in the Respect Life Ministry, contact

Elizabeth Ministry

The story of the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth in Luke's Gospel is the inspiration for Elizabeth Ministry (Luke 1:39-56). The sanctity of life and the power of the Holy Spirit is revealed in the common sharing of these two women. The Holy Apostles Elizabeth Ministry chapter supports women and their families during the joys, challenges, and sorrows of the childbearing years. Volunteers offer maternal mentoring in the areas they have experienced. To learn more about Elizabeth Ministry, contact Jan Fredrickson at or (262) 754-0158.

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Spiritual Adoption Prayer Program

The Spiritual Adoption Prayer Program is a nine-month prayer commitment for a preborn child who is in danger of abortion. Pray the following prayer written by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen every day within the nine months:​


Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much! I beg you to

spare the life of baby, (insert the name you have given your spiritually adopted baby), the unborn baby that I have

spiritually adopted, who is in danger of abortion. Amen.​


Every week the Respect Life Committee shares beautiful images and helpful resources in the Welcome Center, the weekly bulletin, and on social media. Click here to view the Spiritual Adoption Prayer Card. Click here to view the Watch Me Grow brochure.

Wave of Light Remembrance Event

The purpose of the annual Wave​ of Light Remembrance Event is to honor all the babies whose lives ended prematurely due to miscarriage, birth complications, or other medical problems. In an effort to recognize these children and to support the family and friends who mourn their loss, the Wave of Light event occurs globally every year. It presents an opportunity to celebrate these little ones who are no longer with us and to unite their families in a candlelight procession and a prayerful sharing ceremony.


Annual Baby Shower

Elizabeth Ministry members host an annual Baby Shower to support local pregnancy resource centers in Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties. Pregnancy Resource Centers are in need of new and handmade baby items including hats, diapers, wipes, formula, onesies, clothing, socks, burp cloths, bath items, lotion, blankets, and more. Items can be dropped off at the designated areas in the Welcome Center and Parish Center.



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