Prepare For
Reflection Activities:
Reflection Activity #1 coming soon....
The Sacrament of Confirmation
When we are baptized, we are adopted by the Father and given the opportunity to participate in Christ’s role as Priest, Prophet, & King. Through Confirmation, God completes our Baptismal grace and deepens our call to live this three-fold mission. This is not a rite of passage or graduation from religious education, it is a continuation of the "faith journey" we are all on. It is a sacrament of mission and power, giving Christians the strength and grace to live out the mission of Jesus Christ and His Church.
​The sacrament is celebrated in October the following year. Teens can register for Confirmation Preparation if they have met the following requirements:
Have been baptized
Will reach the age of 15 by September 1st in the year prior receiving Confirmation
Will participate in Youth Discipleship Small Groups (both Catholic and Public School Youth) during the school year
Have attended a Catholic School or Youth Discipleship Small Group for the year prior to and including the year of preparation
First year of Confirmation Preparation if you go to a public high school.
Meets Sunday evenings twice a month in Lofy Hall October 2024 -May 2025 from 6:15-7:30.
Come early to enjoy snacks and socializing from 5:45-6:15.
Note: The 9th and 10th graders public high school youth meet at the same time on Sundays at 6:15 in Lofy Hall. It is a 2-year program for Confirmation with a year 1 and year 2 curriculum.
View the 2024-2025 High School Youth Discipleship 9th and 10th grades Calendar here.
Youth in 10th grade who go to a public high school and who did NOT participate last year in Youth Discipleship should register for this option. They will make their Confirmation in October 2026.
Fee: $80.00 per youth
Parent Meeting for the 9th grade parents will take place on Wednesday August 7, 2024 at 6:00 - 6:45 in the Welcome Center.
Please print the High School Youth Discipleship Calendar for meeting dates/ times/ special events.
Youth who are in 10th grade who would like to prepare for Confirmation and go to a Catholic H.S. or participated last year in the Youth Discipleship register for 2024-2025 Confirmation Preparation.
Youth who participated in Youth Discipleship during the 23-24 school year will continue to meet on Sunday evenings in Lofy Hall form 6:15-7:30 twice a month beginning in September 2024 - May 2025.
Come early to socialize and enjoy snacks from 5:45-6:15.
Youth who go to a Catholic high school should register for Confirmation class starting July 1st. They will begin meeting once a month starting in January 2025 and meet with their sponsors monthly to prepare for Confirmation in October 2025. View the 2024-25 Catholic High School Confirmation Grade 10 Calendar here.
Fee $210.00 per youth
Parent Meeting will be on July 24th at 7:00 in the Welcome Center.
Calendar will be distributed at the parent meeting over the summer. Parents are required to attend a parent meeting BEFORE they are allowed to register a teen for Confirmation Preparation. If you did NOT attend the meeting over the summer, please reach out to Nancy Ahern at before you register.
Questions? Contact Nancy Ahern, 262-786-2035 or
After you attend the parent meeting, you can click here to register.
Resources for current Confirmation Candidates
Optional Video Suggestions:
Questionnaire for Bishop - Due July 15
After submitting your questionnaire, it will be reviewed for any changes needed. Once it is approved, you will receive an email inviting you to sign up for a final interview. Final interviews must be completed by August 31st.