Emmaus 90

Would you like to journey with a group of people doing Emmaus 90?
In this Jubilee Year of Hope, from New Years Day to Easter, walk with fellow disciples along the Emmaus journey and learn to recognize Jesus drawing near, speaking to you through the Scriptures, your daily life, and the Eucharist, so that he can draw you, form you, and send you in his love to those around you.
The encouragement and prayers of the broader Holy Apostles Emmaus 90 community helps.
Walking with a group of 2-3 others who are committed to each other's growth is encouraged.
It's not too late to invite friends or family to join you!
Who would you like to be with you on this journey into deeper relationship with God?
Who would you like to help you along the way?
Who is someone who loves you and encourages you?
Who would you like to encourage to grow in their faith?
Who do you wish knew that God loved them and is with them?
Who is searching for something more?
Please join us for a large group gathering of Emmaus 90 beginning on Thursday, January 23 from 6:45 - 8:30 pm. A video will be shown at 7:00 pm sharp and discussion will take place afterward. This journey starts January 20 in your guidebook, and we will meet weekly through April 10 on Thursday evenings. For more information on what Emmaus 90 click below.
If you are interested, please contact Fr. Arul and get a copy of the guidebook. To find out more about what Emmaus 90 is please visit here! Fr. Arul will be able to get you a guidebook instead of registered through the Arch, email him at aponnaiyan@hanb.org.