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There are several giving opportunities to support the missions and ministries of the parish, Archdiocese of Milwaukee and the greater Catholic community, including our annual Mission Commitment, Transforming Our Future Building Campaign, Catholic Stewardship Campaign and Love One Another Campaign. The purpose of these important giving opportunities is outlined below.


  • Mission Commitment: During Mission Commitment, our annual stewardship season, we are asked to make a pledge to our Financial Giving for the upcoming calendar year. Making a pledge helps us plan for the fiscal year. Your contributions to Financial Giving and the offertory is the priority, our source for operating the parish, school, and our facilities, and is the foundation of fueling our mission of forming disciples through Sunday Experience, education, discipleship programs, service, and parish life.

  • Building Campaign: The Transforming Our Future five-year campaign started on January 1, 2019 and continues through December 31, 2023 for the construction of our Welcome Center. The Welcome Center has created many opportunities for us to make connections with Christ and others in our community! In early 2020, the loan on the Welcome Center had been paid off. The capital campaign plan also included the strategic decision to have funds available from the balance of the campaign pledges for the purchase and development of adjacent land as it becomes available for future growth.

  • Catholic Stewardship Appeal: This appeal focuses on the daily operations of the shared missions and ministries of the Church and supports the needs of the community across the ten counties of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee which includes serving those in need, strengthening parish ministries and parish religious education, promoting evangelization, and strengthening Catholic schools and formation.

  • Love One Another Campaign: This campaign covers extraordinary parish and archdiocesan needs not met through the annual Mission Commitment and the Catholic Stewardship Appeal. It focuses on preparing for the future through a five-year plan and requests pledges above and beyond our regular giving. Holy Apostles will receive 60% of the fulfilled pledges to go toward Youth and Young Adult Initiatives, Evangelization and Outreach, and Buildings & Grounds Improvements, including updating the school bathrooms and windows. The remaining 40% of funds are for new and expanded Catholic ministries for the poor and those in need, Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, Catholic schools, and vital ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Click here to learn more.


Thank you for your prayerful discernment and for your generosity! Every gift, no matter its size, makes a difference in supporting our mission and ministries, supporting our parish and the community, today and for the future.


The generosity of our parishioners’ annual giving to our Mission Commitment is the source of operating the parish, school and facilities each year. Your planned giving will help ensure that our mission as a faith community in forming disciples will be preserved for the future.


Holy Apostles will mark 170 years in 2025. We are beneficiaries of decades of dedicated and generous disciples who found and supported their spiritual home at Holy Apostles, and shared their assets to ensure Holy Apostles would be here for future generations.


Would you consider including Holy Apostles in your planned giving? Planned gifts can provide benefits to your family and at the same time support the mission of Holy Apostles for generations to come. Your gift is a way to continue your faithful stewardship and to show the love that you have for Holy Apostles and the desire to see our parish grow and prosper in the future.


Bequests in a will, charitable annuities, trusts, life insurance and gifts of appreciated stock are all planned gifts, or gifts that come after much thought and consultation with a professional advisor.


Click here to for more details through our brochure.


Planned Giving

General Mass Aug 27 2023 (34).JPG
Planned Giving


Using your gifts to serve our parish is one way to demonstrate how you love God and love others. This generous love in action transforms our world. Check out the ways to serve at Holy Apostles here or in our local community here.  


If you have questions about how you can use your gifts, please contact Karen Lawton at or 262-754-0168.

Getting Involved



Your financial generosity makes it possible for our brothers and sisters to meet Christ, know Christ, and make Christ known. When you share of your blessings, you are demonstrating your love for God and others. Below are a few examples of the impact that your generosity has on our community!


  • 1,800 people encounter Christ and get to know one another during the Sunday experience, including post Mass hospitality!

  • Over 280  adults have been transformed through ALPHA and Discipleship Small Group experiences because of your gift. LEARN MORE

  • Parish wide, we form over 830 children from birth to high school and your generosity covers the gap that tuition and faith formation fees do not. LEARN MORE

  • Our Family Discipleship experiences continues to grow—we are serving over 90 families! LEARN MORE

  • Our Youth Ministry experience serve 98 middle school and high school youth on average each year.  LEARN MORE



Mission Commitment


Our Church is more than this building; it is alive with people who gather in faith and take Jesus into the world by words and actions. Many shared their time, vision, and financial generosity to bring this multi-phase dream to reality. Thank you for serving the next generation of Catholics who will keep our parish growing and thriving for many years to come.


From audio and video enhancements, to a new 3k classroom, to the beautiful Adoration Chapel and Welcome Center, we continue to move our mission forward. A mission centered on a love for God and one another. A mission committed to forming disciples who know Christ and make Him known in our world.

Phase One of the Campaign:

$ 3.9M Raised

  • Adoration Chapel

  • Additional 3K classroom

  • Fire protection installation

  • Audio/video enhancements

  • Rectory demolition


The final costs were under budget by $77,000. The three-year campaign rolled out in the fall of 2015 with pledges running from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2018. Phase One was completed with the cash we had on hand and prepared us well for the second phase of this project.

Phase Two of the Campaign: $3.1M Pledges Raised

  • Welcome Center


The Welcome Center, completed in June 2019, is the hub for parish activity and is now our main entrance for parishioners and guests. Here, you will find the parish office, three conference rooms, two living room style meeting spaces, a hospitality area, new restrooms, and a general assembly space that can seat up to 100 people.

Capital Campaign


Your gift does God's work.


The Catholic Stewardship Appeal, the annual fundraising campaign of the ten-county Archdiocese of Milwaukee, supports Catholic life throughout southeastern Wisconsin. The Appeal provides Catholics opportunities to support a wide range of ministries and programs that benefit more than 500,000 people each year.


Our Catholic faith calls each of us to respond to the needs of others by sharing God's love. The Catholic Stewardship Appeal provides an important way for us to put our faith into action. 


Click here to learn more about the 2024 Catholic Stewardship Appeal.


Catholic Stewardship Appeal
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