Lent 2024
Ash Wednesday
"Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return."
Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent on March 5. During Ash Wednesday Mass, we receive ashes on our forehead as a sign of repentance and turning back to God. Mass with the distribution of ashes will be at 8:30am (School) and 6:30pm.
Fasting & Almsgiving
Lenten Service Project
This year, we are partnering with Cross Catholic Outreach to help fight hunger by hosting a food packing event on Saturday, March 23 from 8:00 am-1:00 pm in the school gym. We are inviting family and friends to come together as a community to pack 50,000 Vitafood meals that will be shipped to the poorest of the poor around the world. Vitafood is a nutrient-rich food product specifically designed to meet the dietary needs of chronically malnourished children and adults. In order to pack the 50,000 meals, we will need to raise $16,500. The funds that are donated will help with shipping these lifesaving meals to impoverished families overseas.
To learn more and to donate, click the button below to visit the Cross Catholic Outreach website. Please scroll down to the March 23 event at Holy Apostles and click on Donate. You may also donate by check instead of donating online: please write the check to Holy Apostles and include “Food Pack” in the memo line. Envelopes are available in the church pews and at all church entrances.
Join Us For The Food Packing Event On March 23rd
To volunteer at the food packing event, click the button below. Please scroll down to the March 23 event at Holy Apostles and click on Sign Up. Please use the + button for the number of volunteers you are registering and then click Reserve a Spot to complete the registration form.
You will receive an email confirmation with a ticket that notes the food pack time as 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Please note you may come as you are available to pack between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm; you do not need to commit to the entire event. The packing will end at 1:00 pm.
In addition, we need volunteers throughout the day for specific roles to help the event run smoothly, including greeters, registration, table captains and heavy lifters. Please use the Specific Roles button below to volunteer for these specific roles.
Holy Week
Holy Week is the last week of Lent which begins with Passion Sunday (known as Palm Sunday) and ends with Easter.
March 24 - Passion (Palm) Sunday - Mass times are at 4:30pm the night before, 8:00am, and 10:00am. We will gather as a community to celebrate our Lord’s passion on this day. We will remember and relive our Lord’s passion by holding the blessed palms in our hands, waving them, singing Hosanna to our Lord. The passion narrative will draw our hearts to participate fully in our Lord’s passion.
March 28 - Holy Thursday - Holy Thursday marks the beginning of the Easter Triduum. Join us at 7:00 pm as we commemorate the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood at our Lord's Last Supper. This liturgy will include the powerful feet washing ceremony, a symbol of humility and service. All are welcome to participate. The offertory collection will be taken for SVdP.
March 29 - Good Friday - On Good Friday, we solemnly observe our Lord's passion, suffering, and death. Our service begins at 3:00 pm reflecting on God's ultimate sacrifice through Jesus Christ out of love for humanity. As we contemplate the Cross, we will have an offertory collection to support the Holy Sites in the Holy Land, and we will fast and pray for all those affected by war. The offertory collection will be taken for the Holy Land.
March 30 - Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil - Holy Saturday is the most sacred night of the liturgical year, culminating in the celebration of our Lord's resurrection. Join us for the Vigil Mass at 8:00 pm where we will experience the sacraments of initiation for one of our catechumens, whom we have been supporting and praying for.
March 31 - Easter Sunday - Easter Sunday is a day of great joy as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord! Let us remember that every Sunday is a celebration of this glorious event. Mass times for Easter Sunday are 7:30 am, 9:30 am, and 11:30 am. We are called to participate in the celebration of the day of the Lord and to keep it holy.
RCIA stands for "Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults". Lent is a special time for catechumens and the elect because they are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil Mass which is held on Holy Saturday, the night before Easter Sunday.
This year, our parish has one catechumen, Fiona Carson, preparing to be fully received into the Catholic Church. Each week of Lent there will be times of spiritual retreat and reflection for Fiona, as well as a blessing during Mass, in order for her to better prepare for the Sacraments. Participate in each part of the RCIA Lenten journey with us:
- Sunday, February 18 - Rite of Sending (10am Mass)
- Sunday, February 18 - Rite of Election
- Saturday, March 2 - First Scrutiny (4:30pm Mass)
- Sunday, March 10 - Second Scrutiny (8am Mass)
- Sunday, March 17 - Third Scrutiny (10am Mass)
- Saturday, March 30 - Baptism, Confirmation, & First Eucharist
A "scrutiny" is an encounter with Christ where He heals all that is broken and sinful in us, and He strengthens what is good. A scrutiny is out with the old and in with the new, and the new is living water that is Christ.
To learn more about RCIA, check out the USCCB resource here. To join RCIA at Holy Apostles, please contact Jay Landry at (262) 754-0164 or jlandry@hanb.org for more information.
Prayer & Reflection
Small Group Journey - Join a Lenten small group to discuss the book "With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life" by Henri Nouwen. This book focuses on the Emmaus journey when the two disciples encounter Jesus. To learn more or to sign up, visit www.bit.ly/HABurningHeartsLent24 or contact Jay Landry at jlandry@hanb.org or (262) 754-0164.
Stations of the Cross - Pray and reflect on the Way of the Cross on Wednesdays at 6:00pm from February 21-March 20 in the Church.
Parish Retreat - Pray evening prayer and listen to Fr. Paul Turner from the Diocese of Kansas City and HA parishioners speak about the power of the Eucharist to transform our hearts on March 4, 5, and 6 at 6:30pm in the Church.
Reconciliation - Reconciliation is offered on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00pm in the Welcome Center/Fr. Arul's Office. Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service is on Saturday, March 16 from 10:00-11:00am in the Church. Archdiocese of Milwaukee 12-Hour Reconciliation Day is on Wednesday, March 20.
Eucharistic Adoration - Join us in silent prayer in the Adoration Chapel Monday to Friday from 6:00am-8:00pm. To commit to a specific time every week, click here to sign up.